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marți, 23 noiembrie 2010

Green eyes.

Oh green eyes , look what you do
You make me love you and do anything for you
You make me wanna go across the town to see
Your pretty face ,just because it means everything to me .

When night comes in the bed I lay
The night's so dark , only you remain
Across my mind , across my thoughts , across my brain
Inside my heart , inside my sould , forever you will stay .

As morning comes I wake up and I think of you
If you woke up , If you're allright , it's what I always do
As I prepare myself and go slowly to school
My heart beats faster knowing that it will see you .

As time goes by and nightfall comes we go away
To our homes , each following his road , going separate ways
My heart cryes for a moment knowing that it will miss you presence
Still , another day will come and we shall meet again my precious .

                                                           Everything has a true meaning .

2 comentarii:

Antonia Constantin spunea...

ochii verzi sunt blestemati sau sunt doar eu cea care a avut parte de experiente neplacute cu persoane care poseda asa ceva ?...

element spunea...

In cazul meu nu a fost o experiente neplacuta , a fost ceva frumos ce a avut un final bitter-sweet.