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sâmbătă, 27 noiembrie 2010

Ending chapter

As days pass by I'm feeling better
I find out you we're never greater
Than truth itself , you always lied
And to decieve me , you have tried

But now it's over , I'm awake
What you will say will go to waste
You we're a bitch , behind a mask
And what we had could never last

I'm moving on now ending what
Was nothing but a script to act
You had your part , you played your role
And in my heart you put a hole

It's filling up , it's shrinking
My friends will alway be here with me
They never act their something else
They never will be big mistakes

But you will suffer with the time
You will regret that you're not mine
And I will walk away from you
You will regret , I promise you

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