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luni, 24 decembrie 2012


This is the last piece I’ll write for a very long time , I’ll be out there , finding myself if I am to live I might aswell be prepared in every way possible  . Some things that don’t  work out the first time never will  work . I used to think I was the problem , well not anymore , I’m actually relieved to have found out and I can embrace life and greet pain and suffering as a part of my initiation . 

vineri, 21 decembrie 2012

joi, 6 decembrie 2012


Si de fiecare data cand in sinea ta crezi ca lucrurile o sa fie bine te trezesti ca strica cineva totul , lumea nu stie ce vrea , unde merge , nu cunoaste consecintele actiunilor ei , nu-i intereseaza . Intr-o lume goala , superficiala , auzi mereu ca tu trebuie sa te ridici peste ei , sa dai un exemplu , dar care e rostul , lumea nu se schimba , lumea se duce de rapa , se scufunda in abis , si oricat te-ai chinui tu , oricat efort ai depune , oricat te-ai consuma , in cele din urma realizezi ca toate lucrurile sunt in zadar , asa a fost de la inceputuri si cu siguranta va fi pana la sfarsit , cu toate ca se poate dezbate lucrul asta , desi ,  daca stam bine s-o dam asa , in cele din urma parerile la fel raman . Sunt prea multi factori , pe zi ce trece se-nmultesc , pe masura ce oamenii cresc in varsta ajung sa-nebuneasca , mintea li se intuneca . Cel mai bine e sa te intereseze pur si strict de propria persoana , desi pare egoist daca te gandesti din punct de vedere obiectiv , dar desi pierzi foarte multe fiindca nu te implici in cele din urma esti de neatins , nimic nu te poate influenta , schimba sau corupe . Viata e schimbatoare ca vantu' , ce-i azi nu va fi maine , singurul control pe care-l ai , il ai  asupra ta .

marți, 9 octombrie 2012


 Overwhelming , I must say , the feelin of the start of life being so close . It's true what them people say , life is hard as fuck and quick as a shot . One day you're living it , the next second it just ends , and there are just so many things to do , and you only wish you had more time to do everything different .You never see that on yourself , but in the kids whom you see grow up , day by day , and you know what awaits them , and in a weird way you feel sorry for them , having to grow up and live this miserable life that will never be good enough for them , but at the same time you wish you could be as young as they are , and do it all over again . Mistakes are what define us human beings , but they may be aswell steping stones to something bigger that is put aside for us in life , some grand purpose that may have been written somewhere , for each and everyone of us . All the people you meet in life and leave behind carve something into your soul , no matter how deep .. but they do . At the moment you reach your prime , you're already too old and can only pass your wisdom to them in need , even though they might not want it cause their too stubborn or think they've seen it all , it' s just a way of leaving  something behind , touch someone and leave your mark . But .. In the end , life is insignificant and has always been , may never change no matter how hard you try , sure , some people will remember you but in the end you will be forgotten , all are , that's just the way things work I guess , maybe , most definetly . But for the moment being , let's just live as much we can , and most of all never regret anything , cause it the end , that's what makes us who we are .


As much as I don’t like admitting , I still remember that night when we came back on the train . I was sleeping , you woke me up right as our destination was close . You we’re wearing your sisters jacket , I was wearing that black hoodie , but damn you we’re pretty , I still remember that face I woke up to , and somehow , in a weird way , it haunts me . The very moment when we split ways on our way home I knew there was gonna be something between us , just didn’t know it would be such a burden to the soul right now . Time past by so fast as things began to change I couldn’t see it , see what made you unhappy , and it just tores me up when I think about it . What I really think I want to say is just that we’ve had our good moments , even though not that many , at least that’s how I like to think about it , maybe it’s just me. Even so , I’m truly sorry for letting you down .