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joi, 30 decembrie 2010

A mirror can say a lot ..

I hate myself
Look in the mirror and I’m a mess
What have I done ?
I crossed the line and now she’s gone

Ran , scared of who I am
Of the darkness that can damn
All the living surrounding the man
That I am , that I have become

No point of returning
No prayer , just silence , overwhelming ..
Anger , hate , cuts and  bruises
Getting closer to end the pain of the heart that’s wounded

That’s being slaughtered  by a human being
That doesen’t  deserve the right of breathing
Only to be damned ..
That man is who I am .

duminică, 26 decembrie 2010


Always the victim
The blood keeps dripin’
Stiches ain’t working ..
For him anymore .

He keeps on falling
His wings now broken , he is dying
He looks up at the sky
He doesen’t see it , it’s do dark for it’s bright

Still he doesen’t say anything , not anymore
Maturity is his desire , the dream he longs on for
The walls are closing up while the life fades away
Squeezing all the energy as his death is on a delay

At last , he has fallen in desire
Hungering for what others have for a while
Dead , no feeling lays now in his heart
All gone in just a fragment of time , of art ..

joi, 16 decembrie 2010

Endless nightmare

O noua noapte nedormita cu 6 cafele baute si un pachet ce’si gaseste sfarsitul in plamanii lui fumurii . De ceva vreme nu mai are liniste , sta , se uita pe pereti , sufletul lui amarat cara povara unui trup prea greu pentru el . Peretii nu misca , se uita la el , se privesc , privirile lor sunt la fel , reci , moarte , goale .. O data cu rasaritul incepe o noua zi de chin , o noua zi in care vede acel chip ce i’a semnat sentinta , isi vede calaul , care de fiecare data ii arunca priviri ce il omoara , ce il taie .. 

duminică, 5 decembrie 2010


Punch after punch , kick after kick I take
Life’s against me , there’s just no escape
Time is flowing the other way
Thers no returning , I’m stuck , I wait

The pain swallows up my being
Killing the kid that used to have feelings
Freezing me in a time lock , where there’s only pain
The only feeling I hold of , preventing me to faint

Making me suffer , feel alive
Rejecting the feeling that I have died
Breathing slow but sure , choked by the smoke
Days go bye , my heart constantly stabbed by a fork

Even though it hurts like hell
It purifies the devil inside the well
That is my shattered soul , a fragment
That remains from the kid who’s empty hearted..

sâmbătă, 4 decembrie 2010


Time slipped by unnoticed all these years
Growing old and tired from all the tears
The regrets and mistakes haunt me
They grab hold of me , it’s frightening

It all went by so fast
I didn’t have time to react
So I feel inside the black
Slipping slowly throught the cracks ..

Now it’s winter , freezing cold
It’s dark , it’s silent , terrifying
Time just caught up
Nowhere to run

I need an escape
To free myself from all the hate
The hatred that’s been haunting me
The suffering and myserry ..

miercuri, 1 decembrie 2010

A purpose

In a hallway he sits
He smokes , he drinks he thinks
He sees what others don’t
He may be weird , but not a dork

He’s weird in his own special ways
The people judge him by the words he says
Only he knows their true meaning
The way that works his living being

He needs a key to set him free
To release the tragedy
He has become , pushed by time and memories
To change no matter the degrees

No matter how hard it may be
He sees a challenge , a need to be
A better person for the one
That needs him , cannot live without
He thinks..

1 Decembrie pentru mine

1 Decembrie , sarbatoare , ziua nationala , sarbatoarea unei tari moarta de foame si golita de hoti , care conduc tara cica , dar de fapt o duc spre prapastie . Nu sunt patriot , nu am de ce . Tara asta nu mi'a oferit nimic , de ce sa'i ofer eu patriotism ? Ma pis pe ea , vezi oameni cu salarii infecte , de pensionari nu mai zic , e vina voastra ca nu faceti nimic , stati si dormiti in fotolii , ne mancati banii , ii beti , ii fumati , va urasc , caini jegosi , saracii goale ce sunteti , sper sa ajungeti si voi in locul nostru , sa vedeti cum e sa traiti , voi traiti o iluzie propulsata spre cer de banii nostrii . Ce ma dispera si mai multe ca nu furati pe la spate ba , ne furati pe fata fara sa va doara macar in cot , voi "sa traiti bine" , noi sa ne manjim prin "canale" , incercand sa iesim la suprafata , tara asta nu formeaza oameni , formeaza vise legate de revolte , in cele din urma vom razbucni si va vom distruge .. Va mirati de ce toata lumea va uraste ? Uitati'va in oglinda ! Asta .. daca aveti curajul .